Denisha Lim

A Tale About Our Little Princess ...

Lilypie Baby Ticker

Monday, July 11, 2005

La La La La la la la la

These couple of weeks, our little girl has taken a liking to singing. She'll be singing her favourite Baa Baa Black Sheep, Old MacDonald and Twinkle Twinkle Little Stars to name a few. Especially in the car, she would demand for Baa Baa Black Sheep and Old MacDonald only. No others. If we just let the CD play .. after awhile she will realise it and asked for those songs again. She doesn't like the rest of the CDs anymore. We'll go berserk soon if she doesn't find a new liking to other songs. Imagine hearing these two all the time. Hmm maybe will try to introduce the old CDs back to her again soon. Isn't it a bit boring listening to the same thing over and over again ... ;)

"Lalala Mummy I'm singing"

Monday, July 04, 2005

I Go WeeWee

Over the weekend, our little princess finally decided to go off diapers. Been trying to train her these couple of days. The babysitter had already told me that she's potty-trained. And there I was wondering why is it that she doesn't want to go at home. Hmm .. and to my surprise, during the last Saturday, she took off her diapers and told me "Mommy, I go wee wee". I was so touched. Almost closed to tears. Sigh our little girl ... was a helpless little baby before and now she's telling me she wanted to go to the toilet. How time flies.